A very interesting and satisfying day, I thoroughly appreciated the opportunity to plan and commence construction of my GoogleSite for Media Studies. It was good to be able to put into practice the skills and techniques which had been modelled both last week and this, finally I could put the unrealised ideas that had been floating around my cerebellum into corporeal form and actually see how various ideas looked when viewed onscreen.
This is the address for my Media Studies GoogleSite -
This is the preferred version of my homepage for the Media Studies site for CTS - I wanted to use something colourful, yet not too juvenile, interesting and directly relevant to the activities available when studying Media at CTS. We may have a small school population in the Secondary section at CTS, but we are fortunate in that several of them are from farming families and some of those families have invested in drones to make their farming easier when attempting to locate livestock. As a result, a few of our students have made effective use of drone technology in their filming assignments this year. One of the advantages of being a small school community is that our students are very good at sharing, so those students with access to drones have been very willing to give access to their classmates and to teach those classmates how to make use of the technology.

This is the background image I have selected for the page for NCEA LEVEL TWO, but I will probably experiment with the colour and contrast in order to make the image more striking.
I also appreciated the opportunity to give and receive feedback from breakout bubblemates regarding our GoogleSites. There wasn't much for them to comment upon with my minimal construction so far, however I enjoyed viewing what it could be possible to achieve when I saw the sites my bubblemates had created. Jordan's was very striking in its structure and organisation, and i couldn't believe the wealth of activities he had created for his students - he's really hitting the high notes! Rikki's site was very engaging, as was Kate's, they had both made excellent use of colour, buttons and links - both are clearly very creative. it was also a pleasure to see Susan make progress with her site and to share in the satisfaction that she clearly feels from learning and achieving on this DFI.